Healthy Lifestyle Recipe

There are four main ingredients to living a healthy lifestyle:

1. Paleo Diet
2. Exercise
3. Chiropractic Care
4. Everything in moderation

     My family is successfully living a healthy healthy lifestyle by infusing these main ingredients into our daily lives. By eating a Paleo Diet, we are consuming natural food that help us achieve great health and also leads a leaner body. Through this blog I will be adding our Paleo recipes.

   Leaner bodies only get to their greatest physiques by exercise. People say that they don't have time in the day for excises. Everyone has 30 extra minutes 4-5 days a week to contribute to good health. My family and I exercise by utilizing core, arm, leg and hip exercises, infused with weights for toning. Typically our workout routine consists of 4-5 days for approximately 45 minutes.

Although we are consistent with our healthy eating and exercise, we wouldn't be fully living a healthy lifestyle if we weren't experiencing chiropractic care. Chiropractic care focuses on your overall health and prevents health problems.

 Yes, be a little skeptical, we are only human and we also need to cheat a little. We live this lifestyle 90% of the time. When you practice great health you need not worry about consuming a few beers at your local summer festival or ordering that corn dog at the fair. The key is moderation.

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About Me

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My name is Nikki, I am a mother to a beautiful healthy 4 year old. I am currently a student working toward my Associate's Degree. I hope to move on to obtain my Bachelor's degree and become a Dietitian. My significant other is a Doctor of Chiropractic. Our family strives to live a healthy lifestyle by cooking, excercise and preventative health.